Turmeric Is Better than Prozac for Depression

Turmeric has impressive antidepressant properties.
In fact it’s been found to be more a more potent antidepressant than fluoxetine, the generic name for Prozac. (26)
It is believed to work by reducing the stress hormone cortisol while increasing serotonin, the neurotransmitter associated with happiness.
This is great news for the millions who have tried antidepressants without success or for those who experience unacceptable side effects (27)
Unlike antidepressant drugs, turmeric either in food or as a supplement can used indefinitely.
It can also be safely combined with other natural remedies for depression such as St. John’s wort and SAM-e. (28)

Enhancing Turmeric Naturally

Unfortunately, turmeric’s main active ingredient curcumin is not very well absorbed.
Unless the right steps are taken, it largely passes through the intestines unutilized.
You can greatly increase absorption by adding black pepper, as is done in curry powder.
Turmeric + Curcumin Supplements See Amazon.com for best selection and value
The compound piperine found in black pepper increases curcumin absorption by a whopping 2,000%. (29)
Since curcumin is fat soluble, its bioavailability is enhanced when turmeric is cooked in oil. (30)
Again, tradition has this covered.
Indian cuisine liberally uses peanut, sesame and coconut oil, and butter-derived ghee. (31)

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric tea is a great compromise between to trying to get enough turmeric into your daily diet and taking supplements.
Boiling turmeric in water for 10 minutes increases the solubility of curcumin up to 12 times. (32)
The people of Okinawa, Japan are the longest-lived in the world, with an average life span of 81.2 years.
And they drink large amounts of turmeric tea. (33)
To make basic turmeric tea, put 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder in 1 cup of water and simmer for 10 minutes.
Strain if needed and serve.
If you actually enjoy it, you’re in luck because not everyone is crazy about it.
It’s very bitter and medicinal-tasting.
I’ve been experimenting to find a recipe that’s both healthy and delicious.
This recipe is tasty and assures maximum bioavailability by both heating and adding coconut oil, a top brain-healthy fat.

Liquid Gold Turmeric Tea

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • Honey or stevia to taste
Bring water to a boil. Add turmeric powder and simmer gently for 10 minutes.
Add coconut milk and coconut oil. Heat until warmed through.
Sweeten with honey or stevia to taste.
Feel free to experiment with the ingredients and proportions to create the brew that is just right for you.
You can substitute almond milk or regular milk for coconut milk, as long as it contains some fat.
Ghee, traditional clarified Indian butter, works great instead of coconut oil and adds a rich buttery flavor.

Turmeric Dosage

Most of us in Western countries are familiar only with the turmeric found in the dried spice section at the grocery store.
But you can buy turmeric root in some produce sections — it looks a lot like ginger, a plant cousin that’s another source of curcumin.
According to the University of Maryland’s Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide, here are suggested turmeric dosages for adults:
  • Cut root: 1.5-3 grams per day
  • Dried, powdered root: 1-3 grams per day
  • Fluid extract (1:1): 30-90 drops per day
  • Tincture (1:2): 15-30 drops, 4 times per day
Their recommended curcumin dosage for a standardized powder supplement is 400-600 mg, 3 times per day.
Look for products standardized for 95% curcuminoids that also contain piperine or black pepper extract.
When unsure, follow the dosage instructions on labels. (34)

Turmeric Supplement Side Effects

Turmeric consumed as a spice in food is considered safe.
There are almost no known turmeric side effects except for an increased risk of kidney stones in those susceptible. (35)
But I was somewhat surprised to learn that turmeric supplements carry a large number of possible side effects, interactions, and warnings.
While clearly turmeric and curcumin are not identical, their respective side effects and reactions are treated as one on sites like Drugs.com, RXlist.com, and the National Institutes of Health’s MedLine.
All three sites were in agreement that you should not take either curcumin or turmeric supplements if:
  • You are pregnant. Curcumin stimulates the uterus and raises the risk of a miscarriage. The safety of this spice while breastfeeding has not been established.
  • You are trying to conceive. If you are having trouble conceiving, turmeric could add to your difficulties.
  • You have a hormone-sensitive condition. Turmeric can act like estrogen so should be avoided if you have reproductive cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids.
  • You have gallstones or gallbladder disease. Turmeric can make gallbladder problems worse.
  • You are scheduled for surgery in the next two weeks. Turmeric increases the risk of bleeding.
  • You take medications that slow clotting such as aspirin, clopidogrel, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, and warfarin. Turmeric increases the risk of bruising and bleeding.
  • You have GERD, ulcers, or other stomach problems. Turmeric can make GERD worse and cause gastric irritation, stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • You take drugs to reduce stomach acid. Turmeric can interfere with the actions of medications like Zantac, Tagamet, and Nexium, increasing the production of stomach acid. (36)
  • You take diabetes medication. Turmeric increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
  • You have an iron deficiency. Turmeric can prevent the absorption of iron.
Turmeric + Curcumin Supplements See Amazon.com for best selection and value
According to Drugs.com, 70 drugs interact adversely with turmeric and curcumin supplements.
You can find a complete list of turmeric interactions here.

Turmeric Benefits: The Bottom Line

Turmeric is a traditional healing spice with a long history of safe and effective use.
While there are turmeric capsules and turmeric tinctures available, their bioavailability is questionable.
They are also significantly more likely to cause side effects than cooking with turmeric which has no downside.
Some experts believe that the liberal use of turmeric in cooking is all you need to get therapeutic amounts.
We agree that it’s prudent to start first with turmeric in food and tea for that sweet spot of maximum benefits with virtually no risk of side effects.
And if you don’t get the results you want, you can try turmeric supplements.
If that still doesn’t bring the relief you’re looking for, then you can try curcumin supplements, staying mindful of interactions and side effects.

Deane Alban

Deane Alban

Deane Alban holds a bachelor's degree in biology and has taught and written about natural health for over 20 years. She is the co-founder of BeBrainFit.com and the author of Brain Gold: Brain Fitness Guide for Boomers. She has discovered that most of us are inadvertently harming our brains... even when following a "healthy" lifestyle. If you're concerned about staying mentally sharp for life, learn more here.