Tuesday, June 27, 2017

This light bulb is actually a security camera system


This artificial womb can grow a baby inside your living room

La Comuna de Tortel, Chile

Un poblado único en el sur de Chile, que sorprende por sus
paisajes y particulares construcciones.

Making a vase from 30 types of wood

Credit: Wood By Toth

Tortilla de patatas

Would you use this invention to teach your toddlers how to walk?

By purchasing this bracelet, you will remove one pound of trash from the ocean!

Self Driving Bike By Google

Sheep LED Art

August 25, 2016 · Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Ham & Cheese Roll-Ups

via Delish

These inmates are getting out early for saving an officer's life

6 Reasons Why Intelligent People Fail To Be Happy

Las 10 cascadas más raras del mundo

These Sculptures Look Incredible

LED Eyelashes

These haircuts are literal masterpieces

via NowThis

This roller coaster makes you feel like you're on a motorbike

10 Foods Made in China You Must Avoid

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kitchen Hacks

Nunca pierdas la esperanza, Jack Ma

Unearthing Nazca

via Gaia

Samra Zafar: la historia de supervivencia

Beer Yoga

Campaña para cambiar el hábito de desperdiciar comida

3-Pound Cinnamon Rolls

Manera correcta de comer sushi

Disney's new "Avatar" theme park

Realistic body anatomy art by Danny Quirk Artwork