Peter Dazeley/Getty Images
December 04, 2015.
A condition called costochondritis, which causes pain around the breast bone and ribcage, is common in people with fibromyalgia
(FMS). However, a lot of people don't realize it's a separate condition
causing this particular pain, and that it requires its own treatment.Because any other sources of pain can make your FMS symptoms worse, it's important for you to treat costochondritis.
Costochondritis can make you think you're having cardiac problems.
This pain is actually what signaled the beginning of my fibromyalgia pain,
after non-pain symptoms had crept up for months. I was sitting calmly
at work when I suddenly thought I was having a heart attack. I ended up
in the emergency room, and that's when I began the long series of
negative tests that eventually led to my FMS diagnosis.
What is Costochondritis?
Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects your ribs to your breast bone. Depending on how much inflammation there is, it can range from a mild annoyance to extremely painful. People sometimes describe the pain as stabbing, aching or burning.The causes aren't clear, but may include:
- Chest trauma, such as from a car accident
- Repetitive trama or overuse
- Viral infections, especially upper respiratory infections
Why Do They Go Together?
Estimates are that 60% to 70% of us with FMS have symptoms very similar to costochondritis.
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No one is exactly sure whether it is true costochondritis or why it occurs with FMS, especially since FMS doesn't cause inflammation. The fibromyalgia tender points just beneath the collar bone may play a role. Myofascial pain syndrome, which is common in FMS, also could be a cause.
Costochondritis is typically a minor injury that heals within days.
If symptoms don't clear up, they could be a sign that something else, such as FMS, is going on.
Costochondritis Symptoms
Pain in the chest wall and ribcage is the chief symptom of costochondritis. Generally, it will get worse with activity or exercise. Taking a deep breath can also cause more pain, because it stretches the inflamed cartilage. Sneezing and coughing can increase pain as well.The pain can radiate to your shoulder and arms as well (This is another way in which the condition mimics a heart attack.).
Sometimes, the pain is accompanied by redness and/or swelling in the most painful areas. When that's the case, it's called Tietze's Syndrome. (When my chest pain is bad, I get a lump on my breast bone that looks like half a golf ball.)
Diagnosing Costochondritis
Your doctor can diagnose costochondritis by pressing on the area where the ribs and breast bone come together. If it's tender and sore there, costochondritis is the most likely cause of pain.Doctors generally will perform other test to rule out heart problems and other causes of pain before making a diagnosis.
Costochondritis Treatment vs. Fibromyalgia Treatment
You can treat costochondritis the way you'd treat any inflammation -- ice and anti-inflammatory drugs, including Aleve (naproxen) and ibuprofen-based drugs such as Advil and Motrin.This treatment runs counter to most FMS treatments, which generally include other types of pain relievers and heat. If you have both, you might find yourself with an ice pack on your chest and a heating pad on your back at the same time.
Be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist about any possible interactions between anti-inflammatories and your other medications.
Living With Both Conditions
It's bad enough to live with one source of chronic pain. The more you heap on, the more pain you'll have and the more it can impact your life.Fortunately, costochondritis is fairly easy and inexpensive to treat, and managing it will keep it from exacerbating your FMS symptoms.
Flowers, LK. "Costochondritis" eMedicine. Aug 9, 2007.
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