Imagine a World Without Bees
By now, you’ve probably heard that honeybees are dying off in droves. It’s a serious issue, since we rely on bees to pollinate virtually all of our food crops.A salad bar without bees is a pretty sad affair.It turns out that a salad bar without bees is a pretty sad affair. Just about anything that’s green is gone. Whole
Foods says that avocados, tomatoes, and berries would be absent, along with all dairy products. That’s because pollination is also key to keeping cattle fed.
you like nuts, you can say goodbye to them too. Almonds, macadamia
nuts, and sunflower seeds would all disappear. In total, only 40 percent
of Whole Foods’ salad bar options would remain, as pollination is
required for over 100 major crops in the U.S.
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