Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The SCANDAL of THYROID TREATMENT: Stop the Thyroid Madness

Published on Apr 12, 2016
You are viewing ACTUAL thyroid patients representing millions worldwide who, for over five decades, have suffered with either...

1) a failure to get a diagnosis due to the lousy TSH lab test (a pituitary hormone, NOT a thyroid hormone), or...
2) held hostage to the same pituitary hormone when on thyroid meds, which leaves us symptomatic, or....
3) have been subjected to a treatment with a single synthetic thyroid hormone, T4-only in forms called Synthroid, Levothyroxine, Eltroxin and many other brands, in spite of the fact that a healthy thyroid produces five hormones...just like natural desiccated thyroid


And as millions worldwide who have seen continuing or growing symptoms as the result of a POOR TREATMENT PROTOCOL with a single thyroid hormone T4 or the use of the TSH lab test, we are dismissed or condescendingly told to exercise more, eat less, see a therapist, take more medications to treat other problems too often directly related to our continued hypothyroid state:

*joint pain
*hair loss
*dry skin
*easy weight gain
*afternoon fatigue
*poor stamina
*exercise intolerance
*rising cholesterol
*rising blood pressure... and so many more symptoms unique to each individual.

And with complete madness, we are constantly told we are NORMAL simply because an ink spot on a piece of paper called the TSH says so, or simply because money-eyed pharmaceuticals have convinced our doctors that a SINGLE thyroid hormone is enough. It is not.

We are NOT "normal". We are NOT ink spots on a piece of paper. We are NOT clueless. We have SUFFERED due to this poor protocol.

We beseech the medical community to LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENTS, their experiences, their observations, their wisdom. It's NOT just about "clinical trials".

It's all here:

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