Tooth Implants
by HealthFreedoms
Tooth implants have become all the rage over the past few years, especially as the baby boomers begin to age and lose their teeth. Dentistry has always been extremely adept at capitalizing on our desire to have a nice smile and perfect looking teeth. This is where the true problem lies.
Our inordinate and overriding desire to have a mouth full of white shiny teeth has produced the greatest health calamity in the history of Western civilization. That’s a very serious statement, and yet entirely true. The tooth implant is just another highly dubious dental procedure which has contributed to this ongoing systemic health crisis. How so?First of all, more and more people, like the aging baby boomers, are opting for this thoroughly cosmetic approach when they start losing their teeth. When you are older, the body does not heal as quickly, nor as completely as it ought to for a tooth implant to really set well in the mouth. This is why various physical issues start to emerge.
The surgery required to excavate the tooth socket is quite invasive, like all oral surgery. If oral health is in any way compromised, as it often is, post surgical complications will arise, as they often do. The primary complication is known as a tooth implant infection, which will always impede the process of proper seating of the implant. The original infection can also migrate over to the two contiguous teeth sockets and cause those teeth to have problems, especially when they’ve already been undermined by previous dental procedures and/or dental materials, which is very common.
In many cases these tooth implant infections are low-grade infections and therefore frequently sub-clinical in nature. Consequently, they often go undiagnosed by the dentist and sit in the jawbone for the entire life of the implant, just like the focal infections which ALWAYS occur with root canals.
So, the big question for the Boomers and Beatniks among us is do we want to risk these infections in our retirement years for the sake of having a pretty smile. A smile which is only going do be more difficult to maintain as we lose teeth for a number of reasons associated with aging.

Do we really want this metal screw in our mouth for life?!
Hyper-reactivity to the 21st Century
Problem # 2 with teeth implants is that they come in an age of pervasive pollution, degraded food supply, chemical overload and environmental deterioration. This predicament has given rise to an exponential increase in myriad allergies, chemical sensitivities and substance intolerance’s. Many do not even know they have these issues going on in their bodies 24/7.
When a tooth implant is introduced into the mouth of one who has multiple allergies, MCS(Multiple chemical sensitivity) or EI Syndrome Environmental Illness Syndrome, guess what happens? They now have another foreign material in their mouth for their entire lifetime, which their body may very likely struggle to deal with.
Many of these low-grade rejections go undetected for decades often causing even healthy individuals to suffer all types of nagging symptoms ranging from CFS (Chronic fatigue syndrome) to brain fog.
Don’t think this is where the Boomers and Beatniks among us want to be. Nor the Generation X, Y or Z folks, so you might pay attention to the experience of your parents and grandparents.
There are two sources of reactivity with implant materials: (i) the platinum post that is sunk into your jawbone (ii) the white synthetic tooth that sits on top of the post. The metal post can be accepted or rejected by anyone. And an accepted post today may be rejected tomorrow as often occurs. With the total toxic body burden increasing as we age, allergies can literally appear overnight after we have exceeded a specific threshold of exposure to an offending substance.
The synthetic tooth on top of the post can be made with a vast number of dental materials which include metal, petroleum derived substances, and various newfangled chemicals. Unless your dentist has performed a fastidious bio-compatibility test, and they rarely do, what may sit in your mouth for a lifetime may be profoundly incompatible with your body. For the hyper-sensitive among us, this can prove to be a very challenging health predicament because dental materials in general are usually and conveniently overlooked by everyone.
Platinum Post Turns Your Head Into An Antenna
The human body has a very sophisticated and finely tuned bio-electrical grid underlying the entire physical organism. When the normal patterns of this subtle circuitry are short-circuited, it causes imperceptible dysfunctions and subtle energy impedance which will show up in a variety of ways. Each tooth sits on a different meridian pathway and functions in ways that are way beyond the scope of this session. Suffice to say, when you drop a metal implant into a space previously occupied by a living, natural tooth, everything changes and not in a good way. Your local acupuncturist can surely test your mouth before and after the surgeries to demonstrate this critical point.

With the extraordinary proliferation of electro-pollution and the infinite number of vectors of EMR dissemination throughout modern society, teeth implants pose another very serious problem. Whether it’s stray voltage from a power transmission line or your laptop, whether it’s a cell phone tower or the microwave oven you forgot to remove from your kitchen, once you have a platinum post in your mouth you turn yourself into a veritable antenna. Not a good place to be in 2012, especially with all the chemtrails being laid down in the skies which are super-charged by HAARP.
The more implants one has, the more one’s health can be adversely affected.
Hopefully, you need no long dissertation as to why you don’t want to be a walking antenna for the rest of your life. The many proven physical ailments and newly emerging diseases from EMR exposure are growing by the day. And much of what occurs in the body of a deleterious nature is almost always below the radar.
The Health Coach has even switched back to a plastic computer screen because of how much the metal one was acting as a conductor for unwanted EMR coming into the home both upline and downline from the local neighborhood electrical grid.
Obvious Reason Why Dental Implants Make No Sense
The mouth, being the gateway of the body, receives all that we put into. Therefore, the mouth is essentially a test tube with a never-ending experiment going on. Everything from carbonated beverages to acidic vinegars, from spicy Thai food to citrusy lemons and oranges, from alcoholic drinks to caffeinated beverages, you name it we ingest it. Therefore, you can imagine how difficult it is to keep the mouth clean and free from bacteria which can cause problems … especially when they migrate into dental implant areas which have been profoundly undermined and now have metal against tissue.
Herein lies the real vulnerability of the entire tooth implant procedure. If the implant is not seated extremely well, and if the gum tissue does not seal up well around the implant, the tooth socket will become a repository of bacteria. Once the same socket area has become sufficiently degraded in this way over time, it will then become a target for other types of pathogenic micro-organisms which will be extremely difficult to effectively address. Just like root canaled teeth, focal infections will eventually emerge and infect other parts of the body.
This scenario can be further complicated by an individual’s eating habits. If they are prone to eating hard foods or chew with much impact, they can slowly create small spaces between the implant and the tooth socket. The older one gets the more difficult this situation is to repair in any meaningful way. A second or third implant in the same tooth socket only increases the likelihood of this predicament and similar problems, as many have experienced.
We appeal to your common sense here. Isn’t such a predicament just waiting for any one of a number of circumstances to conspire to create a hospitable environment for a full-blown infection to manifest? And when it does due to foreign material working its way down an improperly set implant, how on earth do you clean it out? How can you effectively address many of these infections which regularly occur in these vulnerable tooth sockets?
The answer is: YOU CAN’T!
The latest and greatest to be touted in this field is the Zirconium tooth implant. Be aware that zirconium is still a metal – a transition metal – but nevertheless a metal. Transition metals are known to have high conductivity as seen in the following excerpt from.
“Transition metals have giant metallic structure (with a ‘sea of delocalised electrons’ and metal cations). These delocalised electrons are not bound to a specific metal atom and are free to move around within the lattice structure, hence are able to act as electrical carriers which helps to explain transition metals’ high electrical conductivity.
On a side note, transition metals have even higher electrical conductivity than their counterparts in group 1 and 2, because they have even more valance electrons (Additional electrons in d subshell but that’s considered extra so you don’t really need to worry about it) in their lattice structures to act as free electrical carriers.”
(Answer to: “Why transition metals are good conductor of electricity?”
In closing:
The Health Coach is fully aware that no one ever wants to have gaping holes in their smile. However, the societal pressure to avoid any and all gaps in the mouth has produced a dynamic throughout dentistry that has done a tremendous amount of harm to the health and quality of life of millions. Awesome damage has been wreaked in the bodies of the unsuspecting from generally accepted dental procedures and their toxic dental materials.
The Coach’s mother experienced a precipitous decline in her overall health right after having major dental work done on her entire mouth back in the ’60s. The toll on mental and emotional health can be particularly profound and disturbing because of the many associated toxicities being right there in the head.
There are excellent and healthy alternatives to teeth implants. One need only do a little research to find the best ones for their body. We will discuss what we feel is by far the most healthy approach to take toward any missing teeth in the mouth in Dental Implant Alternatives – Part II.
Author’s Note:
The Health Coach began his practice as a dental health consultant. He learned very early on that much which ails us begins in the mouth. Over many years of oral heath coaching, a very stark and undeniable observation was made. The more dental work people have had, the more dental materials in their mouths, the sicker they are. It’s that simple!
Therefore, if you feel you fall into this category, it is clearly ill-advised to even consider a dental implant. You will only throw more fuel on the fire of chronic illness by pursuing such a fatally flawed dental procedure.
[1] List of Complications and Problems with Tooth Implants
Here are 5 common problems which arise with tooth implants:

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