Sunday, March 13, 2016

Socially inept ... eight criminals arrested after posting dumb things on social media

Some criminals in hiding have been caught after posting pictures and comments on social media

Socially inept ... eight criminals arrested after posting dumb things on social media

By The Sun

SOCIAL media is making it harder for fugitives to escape justice, as some just can't help writing Twitter or Facebook posts while in hiding.

Both amateur and seasoned offenders have fallen ill to the trigger-media-finger.
Here are eight trouble makers who were doing well on-the-run until they made themselves present on the internet.

1. Escaped prisoner was captured
Nicholas Grove was being held in Payette County jail in Idaho, America, for unlawful possession of a firearm, burglary and carrying a weapon without a permit before he climbed over a razor wire fence and fled.

He later posted selfies and various shots of him around Cancun, Mexico.
Officials were tracking the escapees Facebook posts and arrested him in a resort.
Nicholas Grove escaped prison and was caught after he posted a selfie at a hotel
2. Faking a terrorist threat
 A teenage girl sent a tweet to American Airlines pretending to be Ibrahim from Afghanistan and she threatened to do something "really big" on June 1.

Someone from the airline responded and told her the details would be sent to security and the FBI but she responded with a series of messages to make the incident worse.

She wrote: "Why would I blow up one of your planes, I have my own jet."
She added: "I'm f****** 14 years old, do you think I'm gona blow up a plane or something. I'm just stupid okay."
It eventually led to her handing herself in and being charged with posting a false or alarming announcement.
The teenager handed herself in and was charged for posting a false or alarming announcement
3. Assassinating the president
This chap decided to tweet about assassinating president Barack Obama.
Unsurprisingly he was arrested and sentenced to six months in prison for knowingly threatening the life of the president - doh!
This chap was sentenced to six months in prison
4. Angry gamer claims he would shoot kids
Players of the League of Legends entered into a heated debate on Facebook and it resulted in this guy admitting he would "shoot up a kindergarten."

He wrote: "I think I'm a shoot up a kindergarten and watch the blood of the innocent rain down and eat the beating heart of one of them."
He was arrested for this statement and months later was released on bail.
After a gaming debate he claimed he would 'shoot up a kindergarten'
5. Double whammy
The teenager was driving while under the influence and crashed into another car of people who were a similar age.

She then tweeted about it and the victim's parents were alerted to the comments, and she was asked by the law to remove them.
However she refused and was charged with contempt of court and sentenced for drink driving.
Teenager crashed while drink driving and refused to remove a tweet about the accident
6. Unthoughtful rapper
This youngster wrote lyrics mocking the Boston bombings and implied he planned to carry out a worse terrorist offence.

His lyrics were uploaded online and he was arrested soon after.
The charges were dropped after a relatively short stint in prison.
Rapper claimed he would carry out a worse terrorist offence than the Boston bombings
7. Bitter ex wife
David Voelkert's ex wife, Angela, wanted to get him into trouble with the law after a bitter break-up in order to win custody over their children.

She created a fake Facebook account of a 17-year-old teenager and attempted to get him to own up to some bizarre actions.
Savvy David realised what his ex was up to and played along.

He agreed that he'd find someone to assassinate Angela for $10,000 and that he had put a GPS in her car to track her.
After initially being arrested, the charges were dropped when he was found to be innocent.
The fake facebook account pretending to belong to 17-year-old Jessica
8. If you drink drive - don't record it
A drunk woman recorded her journey home on live video streaming app Periscope.
She even admitted, while driving, that she hoped she wouldn't be caught for drink driving.

One of her followers reported her to the police who managed to catch up with her.
She was seen driving with a flat tyre and into curbs and she was given a year's probation and community service.
Her license was also revoked for six months.
The driver was caught by police after a follower on Periscope reported her

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